Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Goodbye Thanksgiving, Hello Christmas....

Can you believe it's already December? Before we know it, Christmas will be over and we'll be welcoming in the year 2011!  It seems like yesterday the world was frantic and preparing for Y2K. Wow, time really does fly... whether you're having fun or not!

So, Thanksgiving was nice. Ryan and I made a yummy ham as we had planned and spent the day watching episode after episode of a TV series that we are following. And for the first time in my life, I did some Black Friday shopping! Not near as crazy as I had expected and definitely worth it (even though we woke up at 1:30 am)! We made out like a couple of bandits! We bought a really nice sofa, love-seat, and recliner from Ashley Furniture for $400! You can't beat a deal like that! We have decided to start buying little things that we will need once we move away from here so we have the essentials in our new home right when we move in... like a really cute new set of dishes, cups and glasses, some other kitchen supplies, and a few other things. Plus we already have a bunch of nice art work and pictures to decorate with, our bedroom set is amazing, our bathroom is complete, and with our new living room set and kitchen stuff we're pretty much set! I can't wait to get to wherever and just decorate my little heart out! I lovvvvve decorating and making things pretty and nice! I get so excited at the thought of it and then realize that when all of that takes place, I'll be in a completely new place without my brother :( I don't know what Ryan and I are going to do without him! Definitely miss him, that's for sure! I know I've rambled about this before... so anywayyys!

Our Christmas plans have changed and as much as I would have liked going home to spend it with our families, I'm slightly relieved that we'll be celebrating here in North Carolina. The main reason... trying to fit alllll of that traveling in a 2 week time span during the holidays was really turning into a nightmare... an expensive nightmare!! We've decided to try to head out at the end of January which will be way less stressful and we can spend as much time as we'd like and save lots of money! And this way, we get to spend Christmas here with Charly before he deploys to Afghanistan again. I'm so excited to eventually take Ryan back to Arizona! My bestest is going to try to make a trip out from California to see me and to meet Ryan! January will be a year since I have seen her and that is just too long so this is super exciting! I have so many things that I'd like to take Ryan to do/see. First thing is just showing him where I grew up. Taking him to all of my old forts around our property that I played in as a kid, showing him where I went to school, where I liked hanging out. I'm most definitely taking him to downtown Prescott. I love the historic feel of my town and I can't wait to share that with him! Then I want to take him to meet the rest of my family. They are going to go absolutely crazy over him! I have such a warm, loving, accepting family... we're going to have a great time. Oooo, and I can't wait for him to meet Grandma! That will be funny... she'll always be reminding him of how handsome he is, for sure! Then off to Sedona and Flagstaff and hopefully if we're there long enough we can take a trip to the Grand Canyon because Ryan's obviously never been there and neither has my Dad... a native to Arizona and he's never been to the Grand Canyon! Ha! So many things to look forward too!

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