Monday, December 27, 2010

New Year...

Christmas is over and the new year is fast approaching. You know what that means! New Years Resolutions! I haven't quite figured mine out yet but the whole idea of having a resolution has me thinking about a lot of things. With a new year comes new things, new possibilities, new opportunities.... room for change! Lots of change! I'll be the first to say that I'm usually not very fond a change. Familiarity is very comforting to me but for some reason, I'm looking forward to some of the changes I'll be making in my life this coming year. Some of them are self-improvement changes like having more self-confidence, being an all around healthier person, to stop worrying so much about things I can't control, etc. Some of them are life-changes like finishing up school, moving to a new place, starting new jobs., etc.. And some of them are just changes I want to make for the sake of my own personal beliefs on having a happier, healthier life... like surrounding myself with loving, supportive, and unselfish people, welcoming obstacles as opportunities, and only focusing my attention on the people and the things that matter. Whenever I seem to be having a hard time or dealing with a difficult person, my Dad always reminds me that "Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." Completely true. True family and friends accept you just the way you are... they accept your faults, your quirks... everything about you because that's who you are. I live my life the way I want to. I do the things I want to. I don't do the things I don't want to. If someone has a problem with any of that, why would I want them in my life? That is who I am and I only want the people who love me to be in my life. I am so unbelievably lucky to have grown up with such a loving and accepting family. I am proud of the family that my husband has become a part of... a family (most of which that have not met him yet) that accepts him and loves him unconditionally. I feel so privileged to have been raised with such high morals and values... something I will instill in my own family one day. I was taught the importance of The Golden Rule: "Treat others as you wish to be treated." All of these traits that make me truly proud of the woman I've become. All of these things that make realize exactly what I want in and out of my life. All of these things that I can easily achieve to make my life a happier and healthier place. I have so many things to be thankful for... a loving husband, an amazing family, great friends... the things that truly matter. Why waste my time on anything else?

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