Saturday, July 23, 2011

One Year!

So, tomorrow is the day! I can't believe it's been a year already since Ryan and I said "I Do." Well, in some ways I can because our life has changed so much in so many different ways. Looking back over it all, I can honestly say this has been the best, no... the most amazing year of my life. I think about the times we've shared, the memories we've made and I am so unbelievably thankful for the life and the husband I have been blessed with. Sometimes I really am shocked at how lucky I got. Ryan is everything I could have ever hoped or dreamed for in a husband and best friend. He is my absolute life. It's stunning that I can't come up with the words to describe just how much I love him. Just thinking of the day we shared our vows and promised to love each other forever brings tears to my eyes, comfort to my heart, and happiness to my soul. To this day, it has been the happiest, most meaningful day of my life and knowing that tomorrow completes our first year and is the start to many more years to come is just amazing. 

Of course, Ryan being the thoughtful man that he is, planned a big surprise anniversary trip for the two of us but accidentally spilled the beans one day while on the phone with a friend. "Ya, my wife and I are going to Vegas in two weeks...Oh shit, she's standing right here..." I looked over with a huge smile and he said "Well, surprise babe! We're going to Las Vegas for 5 days!" We couldn't help but laugh about it. He had booked the flights, the resort, and 3 events all without me finding out or having a single clue what he was up to. We will be going to Cirque du Soleil which I have wanted to see for at least 10 years, Phantom of the Opera which I am so excited about not only for the show but also to see the magnificent theater it's performed in, and also visiting the Bodies Exhibit which is going to be so neat! We're even staying in a resort that I have wanted to stay in forreeevvvvver! And as exciting as this trip is going to be, the most amazing part is that I have someone who loves and cares about me and our marriage enough to plan such a special trip for the two of us. It will be such a nice time. And a super added bonus is that we don't have to drive! So, next Friday we will be departing the ole' hot desert of Arizona and entering into the exciting, even hotter desert of Las Vegas, Nevada! Yippie! 

So, here is to us, Ryan and Ann! Here is to love! Here is to a life filled with all the love and happiness a couple could hope for! Here is to the memories we've made and the journey that lies ahead! Sharing my life with you makes me the happiest woman in the world. Together, we truly have it all! I love you Ryan, more than all the stars in the sky, forever and ever, for the rest of my life. 

Now, a little flash back to The Day We Promised Forever.

And another misc. video to enjoy :

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary Ann & Ryan!!! I hope you both have an amazing time in Vegas!! I cant believe its already been a year!! I hope all is well with you both! I had emailed you a few weeks ago when I heard that u were expecting! Im not sure if its the same email you still have! But Id love to keep in touch! <3
