Monday, June 20, 2011


Vacation time! Mini vacation time, that is. But nonetheless, we are so looking forward to our getaway weekend coming up! We have been non stop on the go since we moved to Arizona, it seems. Almost immediately after moving here, we both picked up full time jobs... Ryan's being a job and a half with the crazy amount of hours he works... along with putting in extra hours working on the house, starting our garden, buying a new car, finding out about Baby, and everything else, it just feels as if we haven't had much time to just relax and enjoy ourselves and each other. Well, this weekend that's exactly what we're going to do. We're getting away to a peaceful resort with beautiful pools and private cabanas and fancy restaurants in a gorgeous setting and we're going to do nothing except relax... Okay, and do a little shopping for The Hub's at Cabela's :) All I've wanted to do for the longest time is just relax by the pool, get some sun, enjoy the cool water, and spend some quality, task-free time with Ryan. IS IT FRIDAY YET!? I just absolutely can not wait for this weekend to get here! I need to make a list of supplies to buy before we head out : Sun screen, new towels, big floppy hat, maybe a new pool bag... Maybe I will go get those today... or maybe I should wait so I'm not staring at them in anticipation while the next 4 days creep by. At least mid week I have something to look forward to. My next doctors appointment to hear the babies heartbeat! Yay! That is always so exciting! I haven't been able to hear it yet, I've just watched the rhythm of it on the screen so this is an extra special appointment and I can't wait! Ahh, well Ryan is about to call on his lunch break so I'll wrap this up but be on the lookout for our vaca pictures on FB next week! Adios!

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