Tuesday, June 14, 2011

1 + 1 = 3

One plus one equals three. True or False? Most people would argue that one plus one actually equals two therefore my statement rings false. On the other-hand though, if you're talking about my current situation, my statement actually rings true. Confused? Let me put it this way. One person + another person often = a little person. And if you're still confused... my gosh! I'M PREGNANT! No simpler way of putting it than that :) I know, I can't believe it either. Pretty dang exciting, eh? We found out a little over a month ago now and the thought of having a child is definitely sinking in. The feelings of having a child are definitely sinking in as well. I'm talking about the wonderful, so called, "morning sickness" that actually occurs all day long, every day of my life. And the pure sense of exhaustion I get, also, every day of my life. Some days it's frustrating beyond belief to feel this worthless all the time. I'm literally too tired to cook dinner when I get home from work and my days off are spent trying to catch up on rest so it's safe to say that come Sunday, we have a ton of laundry to catch up on. And as frustrating as the sickness gets, the days I get to see our baby on the ultrasound or watch the rhythm of it's heartbeat make it more than worth it. There is nothing like seeing your own child developing and moving in your own body. Because I'm still very early on, I don't feel the baby inside of me (the side effects, yes!) so being able to see it on the ultrasound reassures me that all of this crappiness is so so so worth it!! My first ultrasound was at 5.5 weeks and the baby was a teeny tiny dot that decided to show up at the very last second. My second ultrasound was at 8.5 weeks and again, I was expecting to see a little dot show up, maybe just a little bigger than the last time, but wow! Our baby had grown so much in 3 weeks and it was such an exciting feeling! You could even see the umbilical cord which completely amazed me. My next US will be between 16-20 weeks when we find out the sex of the baby. I have a strange feeling that it's a little girl. I've felt that way since day one so I will be surprised if we're having a little boy. Ryan is hoping our first is a little boy, of course. He said he wants a little boy to call "Buddy" and take fishing, hunting, and camping. So cute! I will be happy with whatever God blesses us with, boy or girl, as long as he/she is healthy :) That's all I can ask for! It is still crazy for me to think that come January, Ryan and I will be welcoming our first child into our lives. We are so ready for it though. I am so thankful to have married the man I did. Not only is he the most helpful, supportive, loving man I could ever ask for, I know in my heart that he is going to be an amazing Dad and that means the world to me. I know that together we can accomplish anything and that we will both strive to give our child the most wonderful life imaginable I'm also thankful to have such a welcoming and supportive family who is also so excited for our newest addition to arrive. When we told my family, tears were a flowin' and smiles and laughter filled the air. We are so lucky to have them. Even more though, we are so lucky to have been given such an amazing gift of life; our first Baby.

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