Monday, April 4, 2011


If you want to be happy, then be. Don't let anyone else get in the way of that. Don't let the actions of others bring you down. Simply find the things that bring joy to your life and forget about all the rest. Life is too short to worry about what others think of you. The most important thing is how you feel about yourself and I feel really good about the person I am. I may not be the prettiest girl or the richest girl in the eyes of some, but to me, I have it all. I have a heart that loves like no other, a soul that cares for all, and a mind that keeps me focused on what truly matters. I put my heart and soul in everything that I do and that makes me pretty. I have a husband who loves and adores me and does a wonderful job at making me feel like the most beautiful and loved girl in the world. I get to share the most amazing things in life with him. I have a family that loves us to pieces and supports us through every decision we've made to this day. I have friends that have become my "chosen family" that I cherish and would do anything for. That makes me rich.

Focus on the things that really matter. We all have qualities that make us the "prettiest" and the "richest." Some times you've just got to sort through all the crap and remind yourself what it is that makes you, you. The pretty you. The rich you. The you that you love. The you that the important people in your life love. That is what matters. A friend of mine once told me (after telling her I was worried about what someone thought about me), "...Don't worry about them. If they don't like you, they obviously don't know you or are passing judgment because of something they're unhappy or upset about. It has nothing to do with who you are as a person because you're one of the most kind, loving, good hearted people I've known my whole life." I know that because she's my friend she'll always have something nice to say, but it's true and goes for everyone. If someone doesn't like you or passes judgment on you, don't take it personally. Stop and think about why they don't like you or why they're upset with you. I would almost guarantee that 9 times out of 10, it's a selfish, self centered reason; something that has more to do with them rather than with you. Whether it be personal insecurities, plane ole' selfishness, or whatever, it shouldn't affect the way you feel about yourself. Remember the famous quote... "Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." Give people a chance before passing judgement, they might turn out to be an amazing friend! Embrace life and be happy!!

Do you think he really cares what people think about him?
Why should we!?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your friend. You are a beautiful, kind, and loving young woman! I feel so privileged to have gotten the chance to know you and your husband. I've never seen a couple more in love! You can tell by the way he looks at you that you're the light of his life! And you both deserve eachother! Many years of HAPPINESS to you both and just forget about the jackasses!
