Friday, January 14, 2011

Babies for The Haley's

Recently I posted on Facebook, and here, about some potential super duper exciting news for Ryan and me and I was surprised at how many people thought that we were pregnant!! I understand why a lot of people would assume that is what I was referring to. We're a newly married, young couple and that is something that newly married, young couples do and look forward to, but that is not what I was talking about. Don't get me wrong, I most definitely look forward to having a family with Ryan and the thought of it excites me beyond belief but not right now. We're 22 and 23 years old, we have a lot of things that we want to do and experience before having children. We have goals we want to accomplish and want to be in a "secure" place before bringing a child into this world. That doesn't mean that I don't catch "baby fever" every now and then because believe me, I DO, and I convince and think to myself, "I want a baby now!" but in all reality, we'd both like to wait. Part of our reasons I guess could be considered selfish... We enjoy our life right now the way that it is, just the two of us. We treasure the alone time we have with each other and use it to truly learn more about one another and fall even more in love than we could have imagined. We like having the option to just "get up and go" as we please. But then there are the reasons we both feel very strongly about. Like I said before, we want to be in a "secure" place in our life. We both want steady careers and a good source of income so we're not worried about living paycheck to paycheck or worrying if our child is going to have everything that it needs. We want a safe and happy place that our children can call home. A place that we are proud to call "ours." A steady, happy, and healthy life. This isn't about being " The Jones' " or even keeping up with them. It's not about having the perfect little house on the corner with the white picketed fence and red front door. I know that even when we feel we are prepared enough for children, we'll still have struggles along  the way and at times feel like we are falling short as parents. Every parents dream is to give their child everything they want and everything they need. What better way to achieve your goals than to start by building a strong foundation in which you can build off of? We want our children to be able to look back on their lives and be proud of the family they came from. We won't ever be perfect parents but we will be the best parents we possibly can for our children. When the time is right for Ryan and I, it will happen and when it does, they are going to be the cutest, most precious little babies you've ever seen.

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